
Change the GameGOOGLE PLAY


It’s time to Change the Game.

The majority of women around the world enjoy playing mobile games, yet perceive their gameplay as a negative. We want to shift this perception of gaming being a “waste of time” and “worthless” activity, and help people see gaming as something positive. By changing the cultural dialogue around women’s gaming to be positive and even beneficial, we set into motion a new era in gaming for women.


Change the Game as a campaign offers an opportunity for the community of women playing mobil games to stand u, acknowledge themselves and celebrate their sheer and dynamism.

It offers both a conversation starter and a challenge - to leave behind doubts about the validity of their play and start to see themselves as part of a powerful group of game loving women


Chief Creative Officer: Farid Mokart & Fred Raillard
Executive Creative Director: Laurent Leccia
Associate Creative Director: Trinh Pham, Sarah Menacho
Director: Natalie Rae
Edit: Charlie Harvey

Role: Art Direction / Design